Does not fall mainly on the plain we can tell you…..

Leaving Caceres we had planned to visit the Cascades del Hueznar, Merida and then onto an aire at Benarraba via Zahara and Ubrique (famous for its leather goods). However it rained….. and when we say rained we mean RAIN of the stair rod variety
Looking at the map a revised plan was concocted with us ending at the small town of Olvera. Within that last 50 or so kms the country side became more of ‘our country’. Mountains and rolling hills…….

The aire in Olvera is by a converted rail station where the track has now been turned into a ‘Green route’. The Via Verde starts from the car park and heads off to Puerto Serrano, 38 km in total. Bikes can be hired from the start (not today though as it is Sunday and most of Spain appears to be closed). Still that didn’t stop us having a brisk walk along the route for the first 4km.