Tecate Border Crossing – September 2024

We thought it worth doing a dedicated post for crossing the border from the US into Mexico.

From the US side

There are several places to cross the border and we chose Tecate as it is known to be one of the quieter points and beyond the chaotic area as you approach the border on the US side, it was indeed very quiet.  Just a note here – you are not checked out of the US so if you want to return anytime spent in Mexico could count against your 90 day ESTA or 180 day visa time (US border regulations are a bit vague on this).

We entered the border area and were pulled to one side for a vehicle inspection.  One guard had a quick look around the van whilst another checked the registration document. We were then waved through after a couple of minutes and the difficult bit began – finding a parking space!

We needed to return to the immigration office via the pedestrian entrance on Cjon. Francisco l. Madero to get our tourist visa and also complete the Temporary Import Permit (TIP) for the motorhome, both of which are done within the border crossing area but there is no parking there.  We took a chance with parking in a nearby street!

The process goes as follows:

  1. The Immigration Office to complete the visa application form (FMM)
  2. Take FMM to the Banjercito to pay the visa fee and get the form stamped
  3. Back to the Immigration Office with the stamped FMM to have passport stamped and receive your part of the form
  4. Back to the Banjercito  to complete the TIP paperwork
  5. All being well, exit the border area and hit the madness of Mexico!

The FMM gives you 180 days in the country and costs MXP717 (approx £28) each.  It is possible to complete the FMM online but you still have to stop at immigration.  We have also heard a few horror stories from people who thought they had completed their application online only to get to the border and the application can’t be found.  These two reasons were behind why we decided not to apply online and why we went through Tecate and not a busier crossing.

The TIP for a motorhome is valid for 10 years and cost us MXP1,118.12 (approx £44).  We did not have to leave a deposit for the van. Important to note that if your visit is limited solely to Baja then a TIP is not required.

We paid the fees via credit card but cash (MXP and USD) is also accepted.

Whilst there is a bit of toing and froing, it wasn’t a particularly difficult process so long as you have all your documents  – originals and copies.  We were at the border for about 50 minutes in total and that included driving around the block several times looking for parking. There is a pharmacy just across the road from the border area where you can get photocopies if necessary.  We had copies of our passports, registration document, insurance, driving licences but had to get a copy done of our FMM.  We did only need to provide documents for the registered owner (Bob in our case) and it is the registered owner who has to apply for the TIP.

This video on our YouTube might help.
