
It appears the flat battery at Easter may be down to a blown 50amp fuse.

Think it must be the fuse connecting the solar panels to the vehicle battery.

Not too sure but I found a fuse gone right next the battery and I can’t think what else would use a fuse that size.

Beaulieu Motor Museum

Monday was home day but June came up with the great idea to go via Beaulieu Motor Museum. What a great idea and only £52 for all four of us. They even had signs directing us ‘motorhomers’ to our car park.

But first we had to get a jump start from Chris as the engine battery was flat…. Not a surprise really ….we should not have been charging all the tech from the main power socket…. we should have used the aux power supplies.. Next time 🙂

The girls are Bond mad and it just so happened there was an exhibition of Bond cars there. Two very happy girls and lots of photos. Top Gear also had a display. Showing many of their cars used on various challenges.



Hurst View Camp Site Lymington

Friday 29.03.13

Having done a pick up of food from Tesco the roads to Lymington got a little busy as we got closer to the camp site.

The site itself was still quite wet around the edges and having walked over the grass to test it we managed to get a spot big enough for us and Chris, Penny and Tia who would be joining us later.

The camp site is very chilled out. Very few rules…… You can even have open fires. The shower block appears quite new and the showers were hot, free and powerful. What more can you ask.

Saturday 30.03.13

We ran out of gas just after the morning brew. Quick pack up and off we went, taking Tia with us, to the nearby Shell station. Brilliant to be able to fill up the Gaslow system with twenty odd pounds worth of gas and knowing that it was cheaper and in wasn’t handing back a bottle with gas still in it. Gaslow is quite a cost to fit and I’m not sure we would have ever had it done but the new van came with it.

We had a quick troll about Lymington looking for a parking space big enough for us but no joy. So back to the campsite before we walked back into town, only a couple of miles.

It was market day but that didn’t stop us from lunching at Cafe Nero….. where I managed to through a cup of coffee over Amy and June caused a bit of distress by choking…

We managed to escape without succumbing to the call of the market traders….

We even managed to bag a geocache 🙂

Sunday 1.04.13

This morning it was Chris and Penny’s time to run out of gas….. but Chris has previous for doing that. While we were in the Peak District he offered to host a BBQ only to find he had run out of gas.

There are quite a few walks from the site and we decided to wander out to the sea wall, again managing to bag a couple of caches, and onto the Gun at Keyhaven for a quick lunch. During the walk we have a bit of an egg hunt with the girls… apparently I wasn’t meant to eat them once found they were meant to be re hidden…. well you live and learn…and eat!

Gas Gas my kingdom for Gas


The Grand Easter Egg Hunt


Lymington…. Easter shake down

Tomorrow we are off to Lymington for the Easter weekend. It will be the first time we have been away in the new Starline and it will be a great chance to check it all out before the Moroccan trip in May.

We will be meeting up at the campsite with Chris and Penny, friends who are also coming to Morocco.

Can’t wait

Wires wires wires

Well we have the Starline home now and started to remove the VDO satnav system.  It is a great system with integrated rear view camera and traffic updates but the maps are a few years out of date and we have the Tomtom on the IPhone.  This has free updates for maps once it is purchased and the benefit of being able to add waypoints (favorites) anywhere. I love Tomtom.





The amount of wires that came out.

All done now and all I have to do is wire up the new monitor and away we go 🙂

Change of Motorhome

After a quick trip last weekend we have decided to buy a newer Motorhome. It is still a Hymer, the 640 Starline. Lovely vehicle. Will be collecting it from Pete and Sarah the weekend after next.

Meanwhile a bit of a cleaning job on our current one. She has been a star and we have had some brilliant trips away in her. Now it’s time though to sell her and let others share her comfort.

Witney Police Area Reunion

Following a few emails and some activity on Facebook Jon Little and I managed to get a reunion for the Witney Police Area together at the Cricket Club at Standlake. Ideal location as there was a camp site in the village so we could stay for the weekend:)

It was a well attended event with around 70 people turning up. And as someone said they were all quality people:). Just brilliant to catch up with so many people. Jon did a rough calculation and worked out there was about 1500 years of policing experience in the room.

Bob and Phil….over 25 years on

Saturday was bright to start and James, Tom and Jade came over, with the little ones for a hour or so. Great to see Jacob, Benji and Bella running around the children’s park even if Jacob did fall on the rope bridge ending up straddling the rope…. A few tears but soon recovered.

Just a bit of rain 🙂 but hey what do you expect as we are in the middle of one of the worse droughts for years.

Bossiney to Boscastle

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